Thursday 1 September 2016

What a long post....

This week has been amazing week just like every other.
Today we had to write a story and it either had to be about winning gold or it could have been a persuasive piece,
Here is my story and plan....

Track and field
Heartbeating fast
Not looking behind me
Hearing footsteps behind me
Seeing the finish
Pacing faster and faster to the end
Stumbling in exhaustion
Not letting myself get any slower
Finishing proudly and raising my arms up in the air as the crowd cheers
I go up to the podium to receive my gold medal
Warming up

I calmly warm myself up on the track in my position,
I'm stretching my arms across both ways and then jogging on the spot, breathing in and out while keeping my cool.
“Alright everyone this is it get in your correct positions and wait for the starter's pistol”
The starter tells us,
My heart should be the one in the race because it's going really fast I think to myself.
I prepare mentally then I'm ready,
Suddenly BOOM sounds the starter's pistol and we are off for our first lap as we have three.
For starters, as most do, I go slowly and pace myself and what that does is it saves your energy for the finish.
I'm running in somewhere around the middle of the pack which is not bad I'd say from my perspective.
As we move on to our second lap I decide to go just a little faster so that when it gets to the last lap I have more of a chance to sprint to the front.
After a little bit we are turning around the corner and passing the line and that means it's the last lap!
I see people sprinting ahead of me representing other countries and that's when I knew I was in it to win it for my own country,
I felt a strong rush of adrenaline swim through my body  which gave me a humongous nitro boost which was very handy at that point in time.
Like a flash I race forward passing people one by one and when I realised it I was in the top three so now all I had to do was pass them before the finish line and I would have won a GOLD MEDAL,
The thought of that gave me more of a power boost so I powered on to pass my next victims.
I powered on and on but I was losing energy fast and I was stumbling behind but still no one was passing me although I could hear their sneakers slapping against the
Lanes beside me.
I thought when I noticed it would have been too late but I was wrong,
Even though the finish was up ahead I was really really close to passing the two as they were close together,
Now was my chance I thought so without further ado I ran and ran a fast as I could forward with the sight of the finish in front of me,
I did not look behind my back or slow down I only continued strongly forward and surprisingly passed them just by my foot leaping over the line….
I had won a gold medal for NZ….
The podium was there and I was on number 1 with gold around my neck,
I felt so proud at that moment so I kissed the medal and raised my hands in motion of the kiwis cheering in the stadium.

Im and proud of this piece.
In maths we have been working on algebra and although the name seems very scary and hard its so so so so simple and I'll teach you some....
say you had the problem 5 + ? = 16 you would know right ok ok so what if I did the exact same thing but with a twist? lets see,
5 + e = 16 it's exactly the same but instead of using the question mark you use a letter,
We have also been doing a lot of work on changemakers and Olympians, Rio, Olympics and Paralympics.
We are still reading the book Wonder and we found out how Augie looks like and everyone was surprised.


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