Friday 9 December 2016

Secret santa and more

In class we have started doing something called secret santa where we get someone and someone gets us to give a gift but its all secret so no one whos who's got who. In me and Hannah's business we've created some new games and poems and we are proud of ourselves.
The end of the year is coming closer along with Christmas and Im so excited.
I have seriously been lacking in reading although im catching up.
This year has gone so fast and im going to be a year 8 soon....

Friday 2 December 2016

Christmas time is nearly at our doorstep and im starting a business!

23 days until christmas time! YAY
I cant wait for christmas since its such a happy time, Yesterday I went to New world with my dad and we were showered with free food candy and drinks.
Me and my friend Hannah have started a business that is called Glory Inventory and we invent stuff.
So far we've created a Name for the business, a logo, a card game, a card box, a board game, a board and we are in the process of making the cards for the board game plus the card game. We have made a website for our business but its not finished yet. Hannah is really good at this type of stuff and i'm really glad shes working with me. We also do poems stories logos and a new game is coming out called Decoding.

Friday 25 November 2016

Closer and closer....

Its getting closer and closer to the end of the year and just about everyone in class is starting to wind down.
Im really sad beacuse one of my pieces of work was deleted but I can always do more!
In maths we've learnt about PI ( PIE ) and it's quite simple if you know your multiplication and division which I do.
Ive been lacking in my reading as I just started the 5 book of harry potter a few weeks ago and i have not touched it since. I guess im just really busy. I REALLY CANT WAIT FOR CHRISTMAS.
This weekend im going to Wellington and i'm really excited. Me and my friend Hannah played cards at lunchtime at morning tea and she taught me a new game called donkey and I really love it.
Yesterday I had a drama performance and at one point I had a complete blank moment but then I got back on track.

Thursday 10 November 2016

Missing out on heaps!

This week I have missed out on so much learning, first I spent the whole day at production practise and then the next day I barely got into class as my schedule was FULL, First my tech group had to go to drama with Mr Cotrol and then We stayed there for and hour or two as we missed literacy and maths then when we had finished the morning tea bell rang then after morning tea I was on my way to class when I remembered I had choir for an hour then after that I had keyboard then Id finished keyboard and the lunchtime  bell rang so I enjoyed lunch and when the bell rang I finally got to class but then I realised only to pack my bags a we had science tech then after that the hometime bell rang and I barely spend a minute in class. Today I'm back in class to a normal schedule with literacy,  maths, PE, Inquiry and blogging which is what im doing right now.

Thursday 3 November 2016


This week has been a great week. I have been doing triple drama.... after school drama, tech group drama and school production drama!
In maths my group did something really fun Mrs August split us into pairs and we got a 20 page newspaper and we had to cut out all the adds on the odd pages and glue them onto another sheet, we had to see how many pages we could fill.
In literacy me and Hannah have been working on some questions we want to know the answer to and how we can make the world AMAZING.
Here is my work....

Technology is good for many things but it is also filled with bad things so how are we going to fix this? - Marina

Top 5 negative effects of technology

  1. Isolation -  So you're sitting on the couch at home on your computer you're alone! Sure you could be emailing someone or if your on your phone you could be texting but you're still alone. Humans need to see each other face to face when commuting you need contact with other people in the outside world YOU need to go outside yourself.
  2. Obesity - The phrase couch potato has it reasons. When you're on technology for long periods of time is is likely you will want a snack and maybe a bag of potato chips…. Ok maybe one more, four more bags? TECHNOLOGY LEADS TO OBESITY.
  3. Neck and head pain - If you were on an ipad/tablet or phone you would be looking down at it and your neck has to support your head and after a while it gets sore, and it's the same thing for a laptop if it's on your lap you looking down to it.
  4. Loss of eyesight - When you're in front of any screen for too long your eyes become unfocused and blurred plus they get really dry and itchy, sore eyes usually lead to headaches.
  5. Addiction - This is usually very common in games, if you really like a game you want to play it so you do, but for example if you lost in the game and you had to retry you would keep restarting and restarting till you cant stop this is very bad as it makes you angry and antisocial.

Top 5 positive effects of technology

  1. Education - Children and adults can easily learn through the internet my playing maths and literacy games plus online reading you can also use presentation tools like google docs and google slides. Technology is a big help with studies.
  2. Communication - Sure there are still letters and post around but it's way better getting to hear the other person talk then read what they are saying  but if you wanted to see each other face to face why not use skype. In emergencies we need to call people for help and that is one of the good things about technology.
  3. Trade industry - If you needed to buy something urgently and you looked around for ages in your local stores but none of them had it what could you do? Well that is easy all you need to do is go on trademe or amazon maybe even another trading site, you pay and get it, it's as simple a that.
  4. Music - Who doesn't like listening to music? Maybe when you're feeling down you'd listen to a happy song to cheer you up and when your bored just play your favourite tune on youtube and start rocking out. Music is amazing just as long as you don't play it to loud.  
  5. Research - If you really wanted to know something all you have to do is go on google, it tells you what you need to know and it's a real lifesaver plus a big help, who could live without it. MAKE SURE YOU DON'T CHEAT THOUGH. What I mean by that is make sure for example that if you were in a math test you sneaked and used an online calculator.

What can we do to erase the negative things in technology? - I'm thinking we start small by getting rid of the naughty things online then we should all have set ourselves a limit like 3 hours on the weekend online and that's only for Homework, research, communication, trading purposes appropriate games and videos and of course just 1 to 60 minutes of music every day at choice, when 3 hours is done your device will shut off, for phone you can always go on it but only for calls trading and research. At school and work we can spend as much time as needed and only for study and research purposes. Plus youtube should be raided for every single inappropriate video and all that's left for free time is funny animal videos and appropriate vlogs also all educational video resources. Some games should still be allowed online, ones that are not violent or gross and they should be for all age groups. Art  and nature pictures should still be allowed and animal photos plus other objects.  I think that technology brands should make their screens less bad for the eyes and if thats is not possible people should keep their brightness at a good level and they should make a lock so that no inappropriate image can be sent as they are analysed and that is the same for social media.

Image result for computers phones and ipads

Thursday 27 October 2016


The end of the year is coming up soon and i'm trying my hardest in my work.
In maths we have been working on shapes and learning their names and we are learning about the shapes vertices, edges, faces and nets. Today I was working on the Pearson maths work book and it was about using a protractor and diagonal parallel and intercepting lines and calculating the degrees on the lines and I challenged myself to understand it and finish it and because of that I have only one more page to do. In literacy we have done a e asttle reading test and some read theories plus we are working on our thinkers keys and I've done two one being a poster and the other called the brick wall key. We are still working on Biodiversity and Sustainability and i'm colouring in my poster I did for that. I am still reading and I feel that when I read i'm extending my vocabulary and definitely my imagination as I like fictional books.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Im back!

The 2 week holidays have finished and ive settled back into class and now i'm going to inform you about what we are up to.
First of all i just have to inform you about where i'm up to in the harry potter series.... well i have finished the first, second and third books so i'm now up to the fourth which is called Harry potter and the goblet of fire and i basicly just started as i'm up to like the 12th page out of 600.
Anyway in class we have been doing some art which is really exciting, all we have to do is like a landscape with the colours of green, yellow, red, black or blue and you choose which ones you would like and make a picture and with that we have to make a letter explaining sustainability which we are focusing on.
In maths we are learning geometry and in maths time on  ixl we have to work on shapes and symmetry  and im proud to say that i got 80% on all the tasks and that was what you were supposed to do.
We are doing athletics for PE and we are focusing on high jump and the top 8 boys and girls will have to participate in a competition.
As you know i am so addicted to books so i just need to say this...... A NEW DIARY OF A WIMPY
Anyway thats all.

Thursday 15 September 2016

This is week 8 people

I'm still reading Harry potter and the philosopher's stone which is the first book in the series and i'm nearly finished,
I really recommend all the harry potter books to read as they are really really really really good I am loving it.
In class we have basically just finished just finished algebra and im not to sure what we are moving onto next.
We are having our social dance soon and I think that everyone is just a little bit weirded out by all of this.
In wonder it's talking about why Augie's face is like it is and surprisingly it is really interesting and if you wanted to learn more about this it is called biology in high school the you move onto genetics.

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Just a simple day

Today was a day like any other....
We started with the roll then headed on to literacy where we did Read theory then  IXL english,
Next we had our brain food and we moved onto maths where we did our daily multiplication or division quiz then we saw the teacher for a touch up then we did our IXL maths then worksheets and after that we could go on a maths game out of Sumdog or Prodigy.
The bell for morning tea rang and we had our food and break then once it was time to come back we had physical education but for short we call it PE.
After that we came back and played a class game in class then it was lunchtime.
When we came back we moved onto peaceout which is where you can have some free time then we had to do our blog posts and so this is where I am now,
And after this we will have to catch up on any unfinished work until it is house assembly then it is HOME TIME!! or for me it's after school care.

Thursday 8 September 2016


Last time I was at Electronics we were working on our corflute emergency lights and what we did was we got the piece of corflute then stuck our design of safety that we had been working on the week before and stuck in on then we had to drill holes into it for were the lights would go in and that was really cool getting to drill it, once we had drilled it we had to check the other side to make sure it had gone through. We had to put copper tape on it and tin the ends of the lights which went in the holes we drilled. Anyway today at tech I found that the hardest thing I did was connecting wires with wires by soldering them with the soldering iron,
In the end I finally did it which was a big relief.
I really like Electronics because you get to actually get stuck in it and do it yourself.
So far i've been in Food tech, Hard materials tech and Electronics,
Next term I think im in science.

My head is in the clouds!!

These past few weeks I have been in the clouds in a land of books!
I can't stop reading,
So far I've read the following books....
Awful auntie, Grandpas great escape, All of the ten books in the Diary of a wimpy kid series and I am starting a new series and it is HARRY POTTER!
I am only up to page 25 on the first book which is Harry potter and the Philosopher's stone and so far I can tell I am in it for the long haul which funnily enough the long haul is the title of ninth book in diary of a wimpy kid series.
I recommend to read ALL these books.
In class we've only just started this new move called Pay it forward and it's really nice.
In electronics technology we have learnt soooo much so let me get onto this subject right away....
I now know how to solder,wire,use corflute,tell positive from negative,know what place the long leg and the short leg goes and I learnt how to drill into to corflute WITH A DRILL.
Maths is still Algebra which is cool and for literacy we are working on passion projects and thats what you want to do when you leave school.

Thursday 1 September 2016

What a long post....

This week has been amazing week just like every other.
Today we had to write a story and it either had to be about winning gold or it could have been a persuasive piece,
Here is my story and plan....

Track and field
Heartbeating fast
Not looking behind me
Hearing footsteps behind me
Seeing the finish
Pacing faster and faster to the end
Stumbling in exhaustion
Not letting myself get any slower
Finishing proudly and raising my arms up in the air as the crowd cheers
I go up to the podium to receive my gold medal
Warming up

I calmly warm myself up on the track in my position,
I'm stretching my arms across both ways and then jogging on the spot, breathing in and out while keeping my cool.
“Alright everyone this is it get in your correct positions and wait for the starter's pistol”
The starter tells us,
My heart should be the one in the race because it's going really fast I think to myself.
I prepare mentally then I'm ready,
Suddenly BOOM sounds the starter's pistol and we are off for our first lap as we have three.
For starters, as most do, I go slowly and pace myself and what that does is it saves your energy for the finish.
I'm running in somewhere around the middle of the pack which is not bad I'd say from my perspective.
As we move on to our second lap I decide to go just a little faster so that when it gets to the last lap I have more of a chance to sprint to the front.
After a little bit we are turning around the corner and passing the line and that means it's the last lap!
I see people sprinting ahead of me representing other countries and that's when I knew I was in it to win it for my own country,
I felt a strong rush of adrenaline swim through my body  which gave me a humongous nitro boost which was very handy at that point in time.
Like a flash I race forward passing people one by one and when I realised it I was in the top three so now all I had to do was pass them before the finish line and I would have won a GOLD MEDAL,
The thought of that gave me more of a power boost so I powered on to pass my next victims.
I powered on and on but I was losing energy fast and I was stumbling behind but still no one was passing me although I could hear their sneakers slapping against the
Lanes beside me.
I thought when I noticed it would have been too late but I was wrong,
Even though the finish was up ahead I was really really close to passing the two as they were close together,
Now was my chance I thought so without further ado I ran and ran a fast as I could forward with the sight of the finish in front of me,
I did not look behind my back or slow down I only continued strongly forward and surprisingly passed them just by my foot leaping over the line….
I had won a gold medal for NZ….
The podium was there and I was on number 1 with gold around my neck,
I felt so proud at that moment so I kissed the medal and raised my hands in motion of the kiwis cheering in the stadium.

Im and proud of this piece.
In maths we have been working on algebra and although the name seems very scary and hard its so so so so simple and I'll teach you some....
say you had the problem 5 + ? = 16 you would know right ok ok so what if I did the exact same thing but with a twist? lets see,
5 + e = 16 it's exactly the same but instead of using the question mark you use a letter,
We have also been doing a lot of work on changemakers and Olympians, Rio, Olympics and Paralympics.
We are still reading the book Wonder and we found out how Augie looks like and everyone was surprised.


Thursday 4 August 2016

Cross country and more!!

This week we have been working hard on cross country training because soon we are going to have our real cross country. I'm really nervous. I have improved  in my running because the first time I ran the course iIgot 17 minutes and forty seconds, the second time I got the time sixteen minutes and forty eight seconds.Today I got sixteen minutes and thirteen seconds! And that is my best score so far! I am really proud of myself because it is a long and hard track to complete.
In maths we have still been working on mean mode median and range.
We have rotated for tech now and I'm in Electronics.
In literacy we have been working on our project proposals and that is where we have to do something good for the community and i'm working with Amanat.
We have also been learning about Malala and how she is a changemaker.

Friday 29 July 2016

Back from the school holidays

This week was the first week back at school from the holidays,
I'm really glad to be back.
In maths we have started learning about mode median mean and range it's actually really fun and simple once you get the hang of it.
In literacy our topic is nelson mandela,
We listened to the song free nelson mandela and we read about his childhood life,
Next we got these pictures of hands and a picture of him and stuck it up on the wall with the hands that were beautifully coloured in and with facts about him.
We have been reading a book called wonder and it is amazing,
Before we started that book we were reading a book called a handful of blue,
Here are the books we have read in class and we are reading,

Thursday 7 July 2016

Designer technology - My van logo

This is my logo design for a van,
This is what we have been working long and hard to complete at my tech which is designer technology.
I loved designer technology it has been a pleasure working with Mr Sutherland.

Thursday 9 June 2016

Speeches, friends,Fractions Decimals and Percentages,Times tables and Matariki

We have been thinking about speeches lately because soon we are going to have to present one all about the human body and I am doing mine about growing up I am not very good at doing speeches and I'm really nervous!! This is week six and I've actually been thinking about how well I have settled into my new class with all the people and my teacher I am really happy about this. My friends are James, Jackson and Teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeina (That was written by her) because I don't know how to spell her name, you should check out their blogs.
In maths we have been learning about fractions decimals and percentages it's hard work but I don't mind it, I have been persevering in learning my times tables and so far I know my 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,10, and 11 times tables I am quite proud of myself.
We have been learning a tiny bit about Matariki but not that much.
Thats it for this blog MARINA IS OUT.

Tuesday 31 May 2016

Friday 20 May 2016

Thursday was the best day this week

On Thursday we did the best thing ever we had a list and on one side we wrote what we wanted to do and on the other side we had to write what we needed to get done but basically we had just fun things like watching movies and playing outside so we got to do all that which was really fun,
We only had to do some things on our what we had to do side which was practise times tables and go on IXL maths.

Thursday 19 May 2016

Thursday 12 May 2016

Our inquiry

This week we have been doing our inquiries and I am working with James and Jackson they are really great to work with because we got our poster done and it was so so amazing I really love it.
Our poster was about the different emotions we feel and we had pictures of us in all the types of moods and we stuck them on the poster and people have to guess witch one each one is, 
we also covered a quarter of the poster with emojis.

Monday 9 May 2016

What I know about incredible human machine mindmup

This is a mindmup and today we used this to make a mind map of our thinking on the human machine, I don't know if it is possible to see the things I have written but by this screenshot it shows the basic idea and layout of mindmup.

Thursday 5 May 2016

This great week

This week we have been doing heaps....
There was one thing I really enjoyed,
We are learning about the incredible human brain and
there was this guy who had to UNLEARN how to ride a bike and he did!! but when he went back to the normal bike he just could not ride it!!!!!
It was really interesting and we did a test of our own by trying to unlearn how to ride a scooter.
I loved it!!
The human body is our focus for the term so I bet I can learn a lot more things that are very interesting.

Thursday 7 April 2016


This week we have been learning so much and my favourite thing I did was literacy today I made some instructions on how to make a Milo,
It sounds simple aye but NO it was not.
I had to remember every single instruction because my teacher had to act it out and if I missed the simplest detail she would get stuck on what to do next.
Now it is time to talk about my title of this blog post,
MONEY CLOUD ZOMBIES you are probably wondering what this is about well thats what I am here for to tell you,
So the boys in my class have been addicted to this game called RAIN THOSE or MONEY CLOUD, THEY ARE ADDICTED ZOMBIES.
Its really annoying because all you hear in class is click click click because they have to click the spacebar button on their laptop so that the money cloud can make money!

Thursday 31 March 2016


We have been using this virtual banking site called banqer but some kids in my class maybe going too far with it because even if you sit at someone's desk or even your own desk you have to pay money and at the moment I am sadly broke.

Maths time

At school we have been learning heaps of things especially at maths time.
We have been trying all sorts of cool as math games on our devices, it's real fun.

This short week

This week was a very short week because the Easter holidays cut into school.
These three days we have been learning heaps but our focus is on ANZAC we learnt about what countries participated in it and what women did back in the country while the men were out at war, it turns out that us girls were very helpful,
Today we did a quiz game called kahoot I came first in one of the rounds and I was very happy about that.
On the weekend I went to Napier with my dad and we went to Starbucks. I was real excited because it was my first time going there. It was delicious.
Once we had finished we went out to the new sort of bridge thing that goes out into the sea down marine parade it was cool.

Thursday 17 March 2016

Week 7

Today is Thursday and on Thursdays we have tech, as you know I am in food tech we are making snack pizzas in preparation for our Mama Mia pizzas YUMMY.
We have also been working on our Maori PO designs we all made one and the class decided which one should be our class one, unfortunately i did not win.

Thursday 10 March 2016

The dentist

This morning my tooth was real sore but I did not take much notice of it but today in class it started hurting real bad so i went to the dentist and they will PULL IT OUT!!

Wednesday 9 March 2016


This week we have been focused on quilling, I have been working on a dolphin that is jumping into the water, it has a nice sunset background. To quill we have to draw the outline of what you want then you have to get a skewer and roll paper on it so is a circle then you can fill your outline of your picture with those rolled up papers, you don't just have to roll the paper into circles you can make different shapes too.

Friday 4 March 2016

Hillary Hits

This week we are starting hillary hits which is where we get to have our pick on what we want to learn. There's survival skills, languages, science and drama. I'm doing languages but I will still have an opportunity to do the others. We have a term to do each one. GO HILLARY!!!!

Friday 26 February 2016

Cheese Rolls

I am in food tech this term and this thursday we made cheese rolls i filled mine with grated cheese and juicy pineapples.

Thursday 18 February 2016

Juicy books

This week we have been getting all stuck into books. We are all reading a book of our choice and we have to write a review on it at the end. This is the book I am reading phoenix files i highly recommend it to read.

Friday 12 February 2016

My new school

Havelock north intermediate is really cool and i'm enjoying the class that i'm in, my teacher is Mrs August and she's really nice.Tech is next week on thursday and were doing food tech making fruit kebabs.